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Vision Committee & Vision Days

Our Vision Days


The role of the vision team (Visionaries) is to preserve and develop the Christian character of the school through its vision 'Sowing the Seeds for Success' and values. They are responsible for supporting and promoting our school vision.  Our Visionaries meet every other week to discuss and plan ways to ensure our vision in embedded across the school. These meetings are led by Mr Crudge and Mrs Lyne. Our Visionaries are made up of two pupils from each year group.


On a termly basis, Reverend Matt, Mrs de Beer (Head of Teaching and Learning), Mrs Everitt (Vision lead), Mr Crudge (Visionaries lead), parent representatives and members of the Visionaries meet to discuss how the school is and can develop the Christian character of the school through it's vision and values.

The Visionaries




Year 1                                                                                   Year 2   Xanthe                                                                                 Willow

Frankie                                                                                       Ren



Year 3                                                                                     Year 4

Sam                                                                                             Bill

Lottie                                                                                            Mila




Year 5                                                                                    Year 6

Sam                                                                                          Eliza

Millie W                                                                                     Elsie

Our Visionaries contribute regularly to our Collective Worship and have planned and led their own acts of Collective Worship.  

Vision Days 


Each term we hold a whole school Vision day linked to one of our trust values. This is planned by Vision leads across the trust and delivered by staff in each of our schools. 

Vision Day - Flourish

Our most recent Vision day focused on FLOURISH.


We spent the day in our House Groups taking part in a variety of activities linked to this theme which included:

  • Looking at the book 'Saving the butterfly' and discussing its themes 
  • Word play around the meaning of 'flourish'
  • Art - creating a garden of hope
  • Building bug houses


The day began and ended with Collective Worship which also focused on this theme.

Vision Day - Spirituality

One of our previous vision days focused on SPIRITUALITY.


We spent the day in our house groups exploring the theme of spirituality, exploring it's meaning and how it is a thread that runs through our curriculum.


The activities we took part in included:

  • Sound meditation
  • Sound bathing
  • Exploring our own and others beliefs
  • What is spirituality?

Vision Day - Hope


Our Vision day focused on Hope. We worked together in our house teams to complete four different activities; one English based on 'Lighthouse', one Science based on how lighthouses work, an RE workshop where we learnt a song 'My Lighthouse' by Rend Collective and an Art session where we each painted our own lighthouse picture. 


"We learnt that for sailors, lighthouses are a beacon of hope just like Jesus is for Christians." Poppy, Year 5


"Lighthouses are important because they light the way for people at sea and people feel happy and joyful when they see them". Molly, Year 4
