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Welcome toAveton Gifford

Primary School

'Sowing the Seeds for Success'

A member of

First Federation

First Federation

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A very warmWelcome

Welcome to Aveton Gifford Primary School. We hope you enjoy looking through our website. Mrs Fern de Beer, Head Teacher. "Pupils are at the heart of this inclusive village school. Leaders are determined that all pupils reach their full potential. Pupils say the school is like ‘one big family’. A large proportion of parents and carers also share this view. Pupils love coming to school." Ofsted, June 2021.

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Aveton GiffordPrimary School

AboutFirst Federation Trust

The First Federation Trust is a multi-academy trust and education charity with a family of 29 primary schools located across Devon and into Dorset. We celebrate the diversity and distinctiveness of each primary school in our trust. Our growing family ranges from smaller two-class village schools to much larger urban primaries, and includes a mix of church and community schools.

We aim to enhance the provision at all our schools, whilst enabling them to maintain their individual identities and the freedom to shape and deliver a curriculum that reflects their school's values and the aspirations of the children they serve. Collaboration across the trust and our family of schools is fundamental to our approach. We are driven by our values and are committed to providing the best possible education for all the children in our schools.

The vision of our trust is that every individual will aspire, flourish and achieve within the heart of their community.

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