First Federation Trust
As a small, village school, at Aveton Gifford, we are able to celebrate each pupil’s uniqueness. We aim to create a safe and stimulating environment whereby our children experience challenging, creative and exciting learning opportunities; raising our communities’ aspirations for all. Pupils learn of their place in their rural and coastal setting and comparatively the wider world.
We aim to strengthen our community and church links for the benefit of all.
Our unique outdoor environment including an enhanced play area, swimming pool and forest school, enables children to explore their physical and social capabilities. Our indoor learning environment challenges pupil’s personal academic growth.
Our Christian distinctiveness is based upon our school values of friendship, perseverance, trust, joy, thankfulness and compassion which underpin how we aim to nurture the whole child’s personal growth whilst striving to Flourish, Aspire and Achieve academically.
Our curriculum is designed around the individual needs of each pupil.
Our learning embraces the children’s interests, promoting high attainment.
All children will experience learning outside their classroom. This is through opportunities such as: forest school, our swimming pool and using our rural and coastal environment.
To continue to strengthen community and church links for the benefit of all.
We value the child as a whole and their mental well-being.
Above all we want children to enjoy attending school and feel inspired to learn in order to reach their personal goals and aspirations.