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SEND and medical needs

SEND and Medical Needs

Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine

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Aveton Gifford SEND Information Report

At Aveton Gifford, as a mainstream school, we are focused on providing high quality learning for all our pupils. Our teaching and learning experiences are focused on introducing, developing and embedding new learning creatively across all subjects.  Our high quality, innovative curriculum ensures all children are included and can access the curriculum.


Within this context, children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve to their full potential. We believe in providing children with high levels of need the highest quality, inclusive, education possible. Often this will involve them working with our most experienced and skilled members of staff to ensure they make great progress. Every child is encouraged, supported and challenged to succeed at Aveton Gifford, and this is fundamental to our ethos. Parents are included in close partnership working to ensure our SEND provision is tailored to individual needs.


Children are identified as having special educational needs through a variety of ways including the following:-


  • Child performing below age related expected levels and performance thresholds – this could be in any of the core subjects, or in social emotional development.
  • Assessments of children on entry to school e.g. Speech and Language assessments, Baseline assessments
  • Ongoing tracking attainment of children through the year
  • Concerns raised by parent or teacher-
  • Consultations between class teachers and members of the leadership team where progress is discussed-
  • Extensive Liaison with external agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service-
  • Health diagnosis through Pediatrician or advice from GP
  • Liaison with previous school or setting, if applicable


What should a parent do if they think their child may have special educational needs?

Talk to us – in the first instance contact your child’s class teacher.

We pride ourselves on building positive relationships with parents. We will always strive to ensure any concerns parents have are heard, and we encourage parents to talk to us in this regard at their earliest opportunity. Equally, we will contact parents immediately, should we have any concerns.


Who will explain my child’s needs and progress to me?

The class teacher will meet parents at least on a termly basis, as well as at the usual Parent’s evening, to discuss your child’s needs, support and progress. If a parent requests, we can alternatively arrange an additional meeting with the class teacher, outside of this time.   We will also communicate clearly with you as soon as we have any concern about progress – this will be outside of the regular parents meetings.


How do we make sure our support is effective?

  • Clear systems for tracking SEND children’s progress
  • Regular reviews with parents, professionals, agencies and staff in school
  • Regular monitoring and review of systems and support by Senior Leaders
  • Liaison and support with other schools in our local community and across the county


We work closely with Devon County Council to ensure we provide effective and efficient support for our pupils with SEND. More details about Devon’s local offer can be found here:
