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Our Church

St Andrew's Church


St Andrew's Church in Aveton Gifford was described by WG Hoskins as 'one of the oldest and most interesting churches in Devon'. Although much of the original fabric of the church was destroyed by bomb damage in 1943 and has been extensively restored, it still contains many items of local interest and historical value.


St Andrew’s is represented by Reverend Matt Rowland, who has developed strong links with our school. He meets with staff and children in order to support the spiritual development of the school and develop our Christian distinctiveness. 


There is a service at St Andrew’s at 11am every Sunday except when there are five Sundays in the month. 


The children and staff from Aveton Gifford CE Primary School go to church once a month in term time, and hold special services for the school Harvest Festival, Easter and both a traditional Nativity and a Christingle at Christmas.


Further information can be found on the Modbury Team Ministry website at:

Christingle Service - December

Congratulations to all of the children who took part in our Christingle Church Service. All of the children read their Bible readings really well and retold the Nativity story. The children worked hard to make the Christingles and they looked beautiful lit up in the church. Everyone showed off their wonderful singing voices! Thank you to those who attended to support this. It is always a very special part of the school calendar. 

Remembrance Service

On Friday 11th November Swans Class went to St Andrew's Church to lead the Service of Remembrance.  We thought carefully about the meaning behind the poppy and reflected upon why we wear them.  Reverend Matt joined us and after the Service we laid a wreath at the War Memorial to remember all those that have fallen in war and have fought for peace around the world.

Harvest Service

The children in Year 3/4 lead our school Harvest Festival at St Andrew's Church.

During the service, the children thanked the farmers for the food they produce for us all to eat and also thought about ways to help others who need it.

School Visit to Church

The children often visit the church to find out about the different parts of the building and learn about the font, bells, lectern and why the shape of the building is important. Reverend Matt always provides an informative and engaging session for our children. 

"I will make you fishers of men" - Saint Andrew

Our school mural, funded by the trustees of St. Andrew's Church, is a depiction of Saint Andrew painted in the style of the illustrations to the story of 'The Mousehole Cat'.  We think that this beautiful, vibrant artwork highlights the strong links our school has with our village church and the community.
