First Federation Trust
Aveton Gifford Curriculum Goals
'No Outsiders' Programme and Sessions
At Aveton Gifford CE Primary School, we ensure that at every level, in all our work and through all aspects of the school’s community and life, everyone will be treated equally, reflecting the Equality Act 2010. We will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. In order to promote diversity and equality for all, we follow the 'No Outsiders' approach in our school.
With this in mind we are pleased to share with you that we will be working with all our children on promoting equality and diversity through the 'No Outsiders' book study programme. The programme works through 1 book per half-term which will focus upon a different aspect of diversity and equality in modern Britain. Sessions will complement our already embedded PSHE curriculum
Please see attached the Book List which includes links to the books via YouTube where the books are read aloud to viewers. These are also recommended books you may wish to share with your children at home when aiding discussions regarding diversity and equality.
We have also included a link to the resource page where the 'No Outsiders' programme is championed by Andrew Moffatt, the founder of the movement.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, the learning in each subject is provided for all pupils in the school, including those with special educational needs.
For further information, please see our SEND information, The First Federation SEND policy and the First Federation Equality policy.