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Welcome to the PTFA section!


The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association is an important part of our school.  They support us through fundraising and organising social events within the community such as a Fun Run, Easter Egg Hunt, Bags 2 School, Christmas Fair, Classic Car Show, Cake Sales, 'AG's Got Talent', Year 6 Leavers' Party and refreshments and cream teas at our Sports Days. They are always keen for new ideas and new people to help out with events - so if you are interested, please let us know.


2022-2023 Trustees:

Chair: Abi Gerrad
Secretary: Lucy Harris 

Committee & Parent Helpers:


All parents and carers are members of our PTFA but If you think that you might be interested in a more specific role, or if you can help us on an ad-hoc basis at some of our fund raising events, please have a chat with any of the above parent helpers, committee members or trustees.  Any offers of help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
