First Federation Trust
Rationale for a Play Policy
Play should be addressed in school because 1.4 years of a child’s primary school education is spent in playtime. The need for more choice in play and fewer prohibitions, the celebration of play and the learning that is done during play are fundamental to developing resilient, generous, confident, strong, hopeful and heathy children.
With better quality play opportunities there are fewer behaviour problems and a more positive attitude to school and improved skills development and learning.
Play England drew up the Charter for Children’s Play which sets out a vision for play and states that:
- Children need time and space to play at school
- Children’s play is enriched by skilled play workers
- Children sometimes need extra support in order utilise a range of play opportunities
Who leads play and why?
At Aveton Gifford Primary School our Play Leader is Miss Danielle Light. Miss Light is responsible for working alongside the pupils and teachers to ensure there is a diverse range of play opportunities available for all during break and lunch times.
Currently, we have a play leader from each class. Their job is to be our 'Play Detectives' they will use the I-pads to capture great examples of the children's experiences. They are responsible for feeding back during Play Assemblies to the rest of the school of how the resources are being used and how pupils are sharing ideas in order to initiate play with one another.
Please see below the examples of what creative play experiences are currently happening in our playground.
What do the pupils think about Outdoor Play at Aveton Gifford?
"I love playing on the monkey bars" Jaymie, Year 3
"We have so many things to play with in our playground. I really like the quiet shed because you get to be calm with your friends and read books" Ava, Year 4