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Pupils' Voice

Pupils' Voice

How does our Christian Vision help you to grow? 

"It reminds me that if I want to do well that I need to try hard even if I'm finding it tricky."


"When we start school in reception we are like a seed, as we move through the school we learn new things which helps to grow."


"The teachers help us to flourish by creating a safe, happy, caring environment."


"I like celebration assembly because we can see the success part of Sowing the Seeds for Success."


"It reminds me that God is always there to help me to flourish and succeed."

How do our Christian values help you?


"They help me to be a better person like Jesus" Year 4


"They help us to be kind to each other at school" Year 4


"I love hearing different Bible stories because they teach us about Jesus so we can be like him" Year 6


"We learn about No Outsider in collective worships which means everybody is welcome here no matter what your worldview is" Year 5


"I like being part of the vision team because we get to help other children in the school to learn more about our vision 'Sowing the Seeds for Success" Year 5

What do we like best about AG?


"I love the forest school area" 


"We're lucky to have outdoor areas like ours" 


"I like the freedom and responsibility we have in our school" 


"I like the friendships of the teachers and the pupils"


"I like all of the art that we do here" 


"I really enjoy the swimming pool and the swimming lessons we have" 


"I enjoy the residential trips we have. I loved going camping last year"


"I really like when we work in our House Teams because we get to work with other children" 

Group discussion focusing on Collective Worship


Why do we have worship?

This is a Christian school and the school wants to teach us about God.

To learn about friendship and God.


What do you like most about worship?

We get to make up prayers and we can write things about each other and put them into the jars that are our School and Christian Values.

I like learning about friendship and kindness.

Being together.


What is your favourite type of worship e.g. whole school; in Church?

We like it when the Vicar leads worship and gets us involved.  We also like it when we perform plays in Church.

When we are in Church with the whole school.


What is important to you about being part of a Church school?

We know more about being a Christian and going to Church.

It's important to believe in God.

It's fun.

Knowing God is by my side helping me when things are difficult.


How do you think that the school values help you live your lives?

They help you to become a better person.  When you're older you'll have more compassion for other people and responsibility.

They help us to do the right things when we are older.

To make us good people.

To learn from our mistakes.

They help us to be a 'No Outsiders' school - every one is welcome here.


Can you think about one of our school values - have you experienced this in action either by one of your friends, your classmates or yourself?


COMPASSION - I've seen other people show compassion to people who are upset at playtimes and I have asked them if they want to play with me. 


PERSEVERANCE - I have persevered when I have struggled to do my Maths but I asked for a bit of help and then carried on and I was able to achieve. 


If you wish to spend a moment reflecting, where do you go?

In the Library where I can relax and have some quiet time. 

On the grassy area outside to think about nature. 

In the Spirituality Garden where I feel close to God.
