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Collective Worship

School Vision: 'Sowing the Seeds for Success' 

Collective Worship at Aveton Gifford Church of England Primary School

Our School Collective Worship Timetable




Whole School Collective Worship linked to 'No Outsiders'




Key Stage Collective Worship - Worldviews



Church led collective worship with Rev. Matt from St Andrews Church and representatives





Whole School Celebration Collective Worship -  pupil achievements and growth of character 'Sowing the Seeds for Success'. 





House Collective Worship - School Leadership Team including House Captains and Vision Team. Looking at spirituality 'big' questions. 


Our Vision Committee contribute regularly to our Collective Worship.  They plan and lead assemblies, creating resources, writing prayers as well as choosing the songs for everyone to sing.

Collective Worship Over-Arching Themes


TermValue - Focus
Autumn 1Thankfulness
Autumn 2Trust 
Spring 1Perseverance
Spring 2Friendship
Summer 1Compassion
Summer 2Joy

