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SIAMS Report


Every Church of England Primary School is subject to a SIAMS inspection.
SIAMS inspections focus on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. 


Please find below a link to our most recent SIAS report (National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools report), which found that:

'Children are immersed in Christian Values through all aspects of daily life'


'Children are fully aware of how Christian Values influence their learning'


'The school is effective in nurturing children's self esteem'


'The behaviour of children is to a high standard'


'Staff have agreed a common understanding of spirituality from which all work'


'The Trinity is an aspect that across the school have considered in greater depth'


'Collective Worship has a good profile in school with the importance of this enhanced by weekly visits to the adjoining church'


'The school has a fine reputation with numbers growing'

SIAS Report July 2012
