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Curriculum Offer


At Aveton Gifford C of E Primary School, we currently offer residential experiences for all children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.  We have deliberately ensured each year group from Year 2 upwards has a residential experience as we feel it continually develops the whole child.


The aims of these visits are:


  1. To introduce children to a variety of environmental and outdoor activities.
  2. To develop important life skills, including team building and taking responsibility for themselves and others.
  3. To build self-confidence, self-esteem and to independently achieve.
  4. Experiencing time away from their usual routine and challenging their ability to adapt to new surroundings. 


As a 'taster' residential the Year 2 children get to experience a one night 'Sleep-over' in school during the summer term.   This gives pupils their first experience of staying away from home in a new setting, pupils attending this are more confident when they attend the Year 3/4 camp.  


Building upon the pupils one-night experience they then attend an over-night stay at a local Devon location when in Year 3 & 4.  


Pupils in Year 5 & 6 attend a 2 night 3 day residential which is based within the South West.  


The progressive approach to residential trips has helped our pupils develop confidence, independence and ultimately better enjoyment of their times together. 
